


Journal Publications

de Vries BA, Breda SJ, Sveinsson B, McWalter EJ, Meuffels DE, Krestin GP, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE, Oei EHG. Detection of knee synovitis using non-contrast-enhanced qDESS compared with contrast-enhanced MRI. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2021.

Sveinsson B, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA, Yoon D. Utilizing shared information between gradient-spoiled and RF-spoiled steady-state MRI signals. Physics in Medicine and Biology 2020.

Sveinsson B, Koonjoo N, Rosen M. ARmedViewer, an augmented-reality-based fast 3D reslicer for medical image data on mobile devices: A feasibility study. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2020.

Chaudhari AS, Grissom MJ, Fang Z, Sveinsson B, Lee JH, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA, Stevens KJ. Diagnostic Accuracy of Quantitative Multi-Contrast 5-Minute Knee MRI Using Prospective Artificial Intelligence Image Quality Enhancement. American Journal of Roentgenology 2020.

Sveinsson B, Koonjoo N, Zhu B, Witzel T, Rosen M. Detection of nanotesla AC magnetic fields using steady-state SIRS and ultra-low field MRI. Journal of Neural Engineering 2020.

Chaudhari AS, Stevens KJ, Sveinsson B, Wood JP, Beaulieu CF, Oei EHG, Rosenberg JK, Kogan F, Alley MT, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA. Combined 5-Minute Double-Echo in Steady-State with Separated Echoes and 2-Minute Proton-Density-Weighted 2D FSE Sequence for Comprehensive Whole-Joint Knee MRI Assessment. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2018.

Sveinsson B, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA, Yoon D. SNR-Weighted Regularization of ADC estimates from Double-Echo in Steady-State (DESS). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019; 81:711-718.

Chaudhari AS, Black MS, Eijgenraam S, Wirth W, Maschek S, Sveinsson B, Eckstein F, Oei EHG, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA. Five-Minute Knee MRI for Simultaneous Morphometry and T2 Relaxometry of Cartilage and Meniscus and for Semiquantitative Radiological Assessment Using Double-Echo in Steady-State at 3T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2018; 47:1328-1341.

Sveinsson B, Chaudhari AS, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA. A Simple Analytic Method for Estimating T2 in the Knee from DESS. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2017; 38:63-70.

Chaudhari AS, Sveinsson B, Moran CJ, McWalter EJ, Johnson EM, Zhang T, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA. Imaging and T2 Relaxometry of Short-T2 Connective Tissues in the Knee using Ultrashort Echo-Time Double-Echo Steady-State (UTEDESS). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2017; 78:2136-2148.

Sveinsson B, Worters PW, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA. Hexagonal Undersampling for Faster MRI Near Metallic Implants. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2015; 73:662-668.

Conference Papers

(Oral presentations in italics)

Sveinsson B, Rosen M: Augmented Reality Visualization of Ultra-Low Field MRI Data. In Proc 60th Exp Nucl Magn Reson, Pacific Grove, 2019.

Sveinsson B, Koonjoo N, Zhu B, Rosen M: A Modified U-Net and Conditional GANs for Synthesizing T2 Maps. In Proc 60th Exp Nucl Magn Reson, Pacific Grove, 2019.

Sveinsson B, Koonjoo N, Zhu B, Witzel T, Rosen M: Sensing of Low-Frequency Nanotesla-Level AC Magnetic Fields with Ultra-Low Field MRI. In Proc 60th Exp Nucl Magn Reson, Pacific Grove, 2019.

Sveinsson B, Koonjoo N, Witzel T, Rosen M: Sensing Low-Frequency, Low-Amplitude AC Magnetic Fields at Ultra-Low Field with Steady-State SIRS. In Proc 27th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Montreal, 2019.

Sveinsson B, Zhu B, Chaudhari A, Koonjoo N, Rosen M: Synthesizing T2 Maps from Morphological OAI Scans Using Conditional GANs and a Split U-Net. In Proc 27th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Montreal, 2019.

Koonjoo N, Zhu B, Cristensen M, Kirsch J, Sveinsson B, Rosen M: Diffusion-Weighted MR Image Reconstruction Using Automated Transform by Manifold Approximation (AUTOMAP) on Human Brains. In Proc 27th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Montreal, 2019.

Yoon D, Choi S, Sveinsson B, Hargreaves B: The b-Value Dependence of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Values in the Knee Cartilage. In Proc 27th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Montreal, 2019.

Sveinsson B, Koonjoo N, Zhu B, Witzel T, Rosen M: AC Magnetic Sensing using the SIRS Effect Combined with bSSFP at Ultra-Low Field. In Proc 26th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Paris, 2018.

Chaudhari AS, Sveinsson B, Wood JP, Stevens KJ, Beaulieu CF, Oei EHG, Rosenberg JK, Levine EG, Kogan F, Alley MT, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA: Diagnostic Comparison of Two Rapid Knee MRI Protocols for Comprehensive Whole-Joint Assessment: A Multi-Reader Feasibility Study. In Proc 26th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Paris, 2018.

Black M, Young K, Chaudhari AS, Sveinsson B, Kogan F, Monu U, McWalter EJ, Levenston ME, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA: T2-mapping of Femoral Cartilabe 3-months Following ACL Reconstruction Surgery. In Proc 26th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Paris, 2018.

Sveinsson B, Koonjoo N, Zhu B, Witzel T, Rosen M: Towards Neuronal Current Imaging at Ultra-Low Field. In Proc 59th Exp Nucl Magn Reson, Orlando, 2018.

Sveinsson B, Zhu B, Chaudhari A, Koonjoo N, Rosen M: Synthetic MRI Contrast using Deep Neural Networks. In Proc 1st Intl Soc Magn Reson Med Workshop on Machine Learning, Pacific Grove, 2018.

Sveinsson B, Gold G, Hargreaves B, Yoon D: SNR-Weighted Regularization of ADC Estimates using Double-Echo in Steady-State. In Proc 25th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Honolulu, p. 166, 2017.

Chaudhari AS, Sveinsson B, Wood JP, Thakur DS, Stevens KJ, Beaulieu CF, Alley MT, Abercrombie C, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA: 5 Minute Comprehensive Knee MRI with 3D Double-Echo Steady-State (DESS). In Proc 25th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Honolulu, p. 313, 2017.

Chaudhari AS, Black MS, Sveinsson B, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA: Simultaneous T2 Relaxometry and Morphometry of Cartilage and Meniscus with Double-Echo in Steady-State in Five Minutes. In Proc 25th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Honolulu, p. 134, 2017.

Sveinsson B, Gold G, Hargreaves B: Quantification and Artifact Reduction from Simple Modeling of DESS Signals. In Proc 24th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Singapore, p. 788, 2016.

Gold GE, Sveinsson B, Epperson K, Chaudhari A, Alley M, Yoon D, Hargreaves BA, Kogan F: Comparison of DESS T2 Relaxation Times and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Articular Cartilage at 3T and 7T. In Proc 24th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Singapore, p. 536, 2016.

Chaudhari AS, Sveinsson B, Alley MT, McWalter EJ, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA: Rapid T2 Relaxometry of the Meniscus, Tendons, and Ligaments with an Ultrashort Echo-Time Double-Echo Steady State Sequence. In Proc 24th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Singapore, p. 4498, 2016.

Moran CJ, Sveinsson B, Quist B, Alley MT, Daniel B, Hargreaves BA: Reduction of Ghosting Due to Respiration Induced B0 Variation in Double Echo Steady State (DESS) Imaging in the Breast with a DC Navigator and Image Entropy Metric. In Proc 24th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Singapore, p. 4285, 2016.

Plata JC, Fielden S, Sveinsson B, Hargreaves B, Meyer C, Pauly KB: Early Brain Thermal Lesion Detection Using a Diffusion Weighted Steady State MRI Sequence in an In-Vivo Porcine Model. In Proc 24th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Singapore, p. 2092, 2016.

Park DJ, Bangerter NK, Palmer AJR, Wang H, Sveinsson B, Hargreaves B, Glyn-Jones S: Toward a 7T MRI Protocol for the Evaluation of Early Osteoarthritis in Knee Cartilage. In Proc 24th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Singapore, p. 2253, 2016.

Howell F, Wang H, Park D, Taylor M, Sveinsson B, Bangerter N: Simultaneous Extraction of ADC and T2: Validation of Quantified DESS Sequence at 3T and 7T. In Proc 24th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Singapore, p. 4504, 2016.

Machtaler SB, Sveinsson B, Wang TY, Choe JW, Pu K, Rioux J, Khuri-Yakub B, Rutt BK, Rao J, Hargreaves B, Willmann JK: In Vivo Quantification of the Ultrasound Mediated Delivery of Gd3+-Labeled Nanoparticles Into Human Colon Cancer Xenografts Using 3D T1 Mapping with 3-TI MPRAGE MRI. In Proc World Molecular Imaging Congress, Honolulu, 2015.

Sveinsson B, Moran CJ, Yoon D, Gold G, Hargreaves B: Quantitative ADC Mapping Using DESS with Decreased T1 and Noise Sensitivity. In Proc 23rd Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Toronto, p. 579, 2015.

Sveinsson B, Taviani V, Gold G, Hargreaves B: Automatic Detection of Metal Implant Location in Hexagonally Sampled MAVRIC-SL. In Proc 23rd Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Toronto, p. 2508, 2015.

Machtaler SB, Sveinsson B, Wang TY, Choe JW, Pu K, Rioux J, Rutt BK, Khuri-Yakub P, Hargreaves B, Willmann JK: In Vivo Monitoring of Ultrasound-Mediated Nanoparticle Delivery in Human Colon Cancer Xenografts Using Magnetization-Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo (MPRAGE) Imaging. In Proc 23rd Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Toronto, p. 367, 2015.

Moran CJ, Granlund KL, Sveinsson B, Alley MT, Daniel BL, Hargreaves B: Respiration Induced B0 Variation in Double Echo Steady State Imaging (DESS) in the Breast. In Proc 23rd Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Toronto, p. 498, 2015.

Epperson KR, Epperson KS, Sawyer AM, Sveinsson B, Saranathan M, Hargreaves B, Taviani V: MAVRIC-SL with Variable Flip Angles for Efficient Imaging Near Metal Implants. In Proc 24th Sec Mag Res Tech, Toronto, 2015.

Perkins SL, Sveinsson B, Daniel BL, Hargreaves BA, Moran CJ: Double-Echo Steady-State (DESS) T2 Mapping versus Spin Echo T2 Mapping in the Breast. In Annual CBIS Symposium, Stanford, 2015.

Fan AP, Fong G, Sveinsson B, McWalter EJ, Oei EH, Robinson WH, Genovese MC, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE: Automated, Non-Contrast MRI for Detection of Synovitis Using Diffusion-Weighted DESS. In Proc OsteoArthritis Res Soc Int, Seattle, 2015.

Sveinsson B, Taviani V, Koch K, Gold G, Hargreaves B: MAVRIC-SL with 3x2 Parallel Imaging and a Hexagonally Sampled Calibration Region. In Proc 22nd Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Milan, p. 1676, 2014.

Kogan F, Rosenberg J, McWalter EJ, Park D, Matzat S, Perkins K, Tran C, Taylor MI, Sveinsson B, Newbould RD, Monu U, Wang H, Bangerter N, Gold G: Quantitative MRI of Osteoarthritis for Multicenter Tirals: Standardization Between Different Centers and Manufacturers. In Proc 22nd Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Milan, p. 1196, 2014.

McWalter EJ, Sveinsson B, Oei EHG, Robinson WH, Genovese MC, Gold G, Hargreaves B: Non-Contrast Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Detection of Synovitis Using DESS. In Proc 22nd Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Milan, p. 1197, 2014.

Oei EHG, McWalter EJ, Sveinsson B, Alley MT, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE: Non-Contrast Diffusion Weighted Imaging for the Assessment of Knee Synovitis: A Comparative Study Against Contrast-Enhanced MRI. In Proc OsteoArthritis Res Soc Int, Paris, p. 446, 2014.

Sveinsson B, Worters PW, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA: Fast Imaging of Metallic Implants by Data Subsampling. In Proc 21st Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Salt Lake City, p. 557, 2013.

Asher KA, Sveinsson B, Gold GE: Comparison of T2 Relaxation Time in Knee Cartilage Using Quantitative DESS, CubeQuant and 2D-FSE. In Proc 21st Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Salt Lake City, p. 3537, 2013.

Sveinsson B, Staroswiecki E, Granlund K, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA: Mapping of T2 and ADC in Articular Cartilage with B1 Corrected DESS. In Proc 20th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Melbourne, p. 1383, 2012.

Sveinsson B, Staroswiecki E, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA: Quantitative 3D Diffusion Musculoskeletal Imaging. In Proc Orth Res Soc Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2012.

Braun H, Sveinsson B, Dragoo JL, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE: 3D-DESS T2 Mapping Improves Resolution and Decreases Scan Time Versus 2D-T2 Mapping of Articular Cartilage. In Proc Orth Res Soc Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2012.

McWalter EJ, Sveinsson B, Staroswiecki E, Alley MT, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE: Rapid 3D Quantitative DESS T2 and T2* Mapping in the Meniscus. In Proc 20th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Melbourne, p. 1398, 2012.

Moran CJ, Granlund KL, Daniel BL, Sveinsson B, Staroswiecki E, Alley MT, Hargreaves BA: Dual Echo Steady State Quantitative T2-Mapping in the Breast. In Proc 20th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Melbourne, p. 1490, 2012.

Shapiro LM, Sveinsson B, Alley MT, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE: Rapid Volumetric T2 Measurements in Muscle Pre- & Post-Exercise Using Quantitative DESS. In Proc 20th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Melbourne, p. 46, 2012.

Braun HJ, Sveinsson B, Alley MT, Dragoo JL, Jordan CD, Pappas G, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE: T2 Relaxation Times in Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis Using 3D Quantitative DESS (QDESS). In Proc 20th Intl Soc Magn Reson Med, Melbourne, p. 3304, 2012.

Stikov N, Sveinsson B, Tardif CL, Dougherty RF, Pike GB: Modeling MR-based g-ratio Measurements in Demyelinating Diseases. In Proc HBM 17th Annual Meeting, Quebec, 2011.

Invited talks

Sveinsson B. Imaging for Developing Nations: Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging. IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington, D.C. 2018.

Sveinsson B. Metal Related Artifacts: Imaging Techniques & Challenges. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Singapore. 2016.


Hargreaves BA, Sveinsson B. Method for Estimating T2. US Patent Application 15/482,352.

Sveinsson B, Hargreaves BA. Distortion-Free Magnetic Resonance Imaging Near Metallic Implants. US Patent 9,389,294.

Reviewer activity

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. July 2016 - Present.

International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. November - December 2016.

(For more details on my journal reviews, you can take a look at my publons profile.)